Have you guys ever heard your name in a conversation and thought they're gossiping about you ?
If you do,don't think right away that they're saying bad things about you because you haven't heard their conversation. Maybe they used your name for something good.
When you see people talking about you,you have to go up to them and ask them what's going on. If anyone spreads a rumor around about you,it's called gossiping because they're saying things about you that's fake and not true.
Yesterday I went to Brooklyn and asked a couple of kids "who gossips more boys or girls ?" And most of them said girls. Some said that the girls that gossip are divas and this is how I got the idea to create this website. The reason I created this is to teach people to STOP gossiping.
I'm not saying its only girls who do it but also boys. Some even gossip together, boys and girls start spreading rumors around and make people believe they're true.
As much as I want to stop people gossiping, I can't do it alone,I need your help guys all the kids out there who hear rumors or hear rumors about themselves I want you guys to stand up to yourselves and tell all the people who believe this rumor is true that its a lie. The only way to stop a rumor is by standing up to yourself. If you can't do it alone someone will do it for you if they're kind hearted. I can't stop this problem alone so I want other people to help me and if I we work together we could make a huge difference for the people's lives...and even the world. Who's with me ? :)